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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fading Stripes Mesh Shirt and Pants

Shirts and Pants sold seperately
Colors available at Mainstore
 Taxi to mainstore



Available at the Outlet Sales Room

Taxi to The Outlet Sales Room

Monday, January 7, 2013

Greymoon at "The Outlet Salesroom"

I was recently invited to participate in a bi-weekly event called "The Outlet Sales Room- at Nor" What an exciting oportunity for me and for my label. 
You might wonder what this event is all about, well let me tell you. It is a fantastic event that brings together merchandise from over 25 designers with nothing priced over 100L
(new content every 2 weeks)

I'm also excited to be blogging on their site now and I look forward to sharing a ton of fabulous new content with everybody.

For this round, I have designed 2 pairs of embossed mesh jeans as well as two stylish mesh shirt with an angled stripe design. I hope you like them. Here are some fashion shots of the jeans.
Embossed Stars Mesh Skinny Jeans

Embossed Stars Mesh Skinny Jeans Cuffed
I'm also including the ads so you'll recognize them when you visit the store. For now they are only located at the outlet, each for 75L. After this round of the event  ends, they will make their appearance at my main store at their regular prices.
What's your Angle Mesh Shirt - 2 variations of purple

What's your Angle Mesh Shirts - Silver and Black included